Sunday, August 5, 2007

Myspace whores and assholes

OK. I don't have a myspace account anymore and haven't for quite some time now. I took a short perusal there just a little while ago and it's the same old tired crap it's always been. I should preface this whole post saying that if you have one or you like the place, hey great. All the more power to you. I just can't deal with that self serving bullshit anymore. It's all about putting up a picture ( fake or not) and people saying "gosh ur hotttttt" or some garbage like that. Excuse me, I don't need that self important ego boost like little girls do. It's just damn stupidity page after page I tell you. This runs rampant with both the males and females of ALL ages.

The same goes with and the like. Now they have little piss and moan wars about who gets to be on the front page and how it's not fair, etc etc etc. Doesn't anybody have anything better to do with themselves anymore these days? Are we not de-nutted enough to be this touchy feely society these days? Now everywhere I go on the web I have to start paying compliments and stroking immature ego's to soothe the internal spoiled brat within the owner of said page/video?

I bring this all up because I got into a discussion the other day with some people. It seems the "younger" generation is hopping and skipping around the work place environment needing this type of petting. THAT is just sad. I knew this shit would happen too. Now, I don't want to pull the old "in my day" routine because I'm not that old but puh-lease! What ever happened to strong ethics in this country? No wonder people are hating us left and right. NOW do you all see what standing little Timmy in a corner and then coddling him 3 minutes later has done? Look at sad little Suzy over there as well. She hasn't gotten her daily pat on the head and ration of praise. Now we've all created a monster who's in a constant state of PMS.

I want *some* of the good old days back. Enough with this political correct mamby pamby touchy feely crap. If I have to hear "something-American" one more time I'm gonna pitch a fit as well. Get over your race bullshit. You're not an African-American. You're not a Mexican-American. Putting that hyphenated crap before American to the rest of us just demeans your forefathers and makes you "Less-American". You know that don't you? You were born here and this is what you are. You don't catch us trotting our asses all over the place and calling ourselves an "American-African" or an "American-Englishman" do you? Of course not. It'd just be stupid to do such things.

Oh hello. How are you? I see you have an American accent. "Why yes... that's because I'm an American-Australian" you know. Respect my diversity.

See how stupid that is? GUHHHHHH, it makes me sick.

I want All in the Family back. I long for the Archie Bunker days. How about re-making Chico and the Man, Hollywood? Why not, you bring everything else back to life and beat it dead again. Good movies like Animal House maybe. Do you think we could ever get away with another Mel Brooks History of the World type movie again? I should say not. Not only would the people who work on the set have to be given awards just for showing up, the NAACP would have a riot in the streets banning it all over the place.

Lighten up with the PC and ego stroking people. We're not all deserving of "wow, you're hotttttt" and yours truly is at the top of the list. Hell, I'm the leader if that helps put somebody in front of the whole thing. You're also not a something-American. You live here.... you're an American. If you don't live here, then that's all well and good too. I respect that. 'nuff said.


Captain Smack said...

Dude. Great post.

I have a friend who has been doing the MySpace thing for the last 4 months. She got really into it. She nagged and nagged me to put up a profile. It took a while for her to convince me, because I HATE myspace. I'm a web developer, and, on a technical level, myspace is a complete disaster. I mean, it is unbelievable how bad their web system is put together. I know that that's not the point you were making, but I have to bring it up. The way they do things is so mind-blowingly retarded, it almost has to be intentional or something.

I finally put up a profile, 2 weeks ago. That's when I became aware of the whole MySpace "culture". People seem to really enjoy having 250 friends that they never hang out with. Whatever happened to Leaving The House? You want friends? Go out and shoot some pool. Or, if you're into the "clean living" lifestyle, than go to the park and throw a freaking frisbee around or something.

The part of this post that really resonated with me, though, was about how everyone needs to be coddled these days. I don't know if it's a "back in my day" thing, though. A lot of younger people seem to recognize the same problem. I have a nephew who is 19, and he talks about it all the time, the way other people at his work think they are supposed to be congratulated every time they do something right, and then break down whenever the boss jumps on them for screwing up. It's a bad trend, and it's because of all these overly-protective parents who don't realize that they should let their kids get hurt every once in a while. No wonder the US is falling behind in so many areas. We're raising a nation of overly sensitive, self-absorbed cry-babies.

Cunning Linguist said...

finally somebody who gets what I'm trying to say here. Since when do I have to pass out a ribbon for just showing up three days in a row on time? It's called doing your fucking job and not getting fired as far as I can tell. Kids nowadays would shit themselves if they had to go through what you and I did when making our bones in the workplace. The first sign of trouble ( boss getting upset with something they do) and the lip starts to quiver. It's a problem growing into exponential proportions and only getting worse from what I can tell.

Hell... I didn't even get into how it's clogged up with spam and advertisements. That's a whole other post just waiting to happen.

By the way.... Captain, you look HAWWWWWT in that hat. So damn sexy. Add me! :P

Captain Smack said...

Thank you, thank you.
Both of you.

Captain Smack said...

(I always wanted to use that line)

? said...

Now we've all created a monster who's in a constant state of PMS.

It's like you know me.

Anyway, I have a myspace account, and I revel in every fake compliment I get. I'm THAT insecure. So sue me. Plus, I enjoy stalking my friends (and ex-boyfriends) without having to leave the comfort of my home.