Sunday, June 10, 2007

Lozo inspired me

I really don't know what it is about blogs that I find so fascinating. I used to have one of sorts a long long time ago but I got bored with it. Who the hell would want to read about me anyways? I'm probably the most plain vanilla normal person out on the planet with one exception. The strangest shit happens to me on a continual basis and I can't figure out for the life of me why. Stick around and I'll tell you the story of how I had to get divorced twice from the same woman I married only once. Perhaps you'll all gather around the fireside to hear the tale of how I attract women who take enough crazy pills to consider it "the fourth meal" of the day. The point is, I have no clue why these things happen to me when all I want to do in life is just work a little, sleep a little and maybe eat some food while getting laid every so often. It's not that tough a concept to understand.

So anyways.... the reason why I started this blog. I bring you to one Dave Lozo. ( ) I can't for the life of me tell you why or how I found his blog. No doubt I was doing a Google for some free porn or something. *shrug* Regardless. This guy outright cracks my shit up. If you have the time, check out his blog(s). He pretty much hits the nail on the head with most any subject from a guy point of view. He doesn't hold anything back and he certainly doesn't give a rat's ass if you think it's acceptable in your world or not. I like that about him. It shows a sense of unabashed honesty which is very rare these days. What can I say? The guy is that good at blogs where I decided to start my own up again. OK, enough blowing sunshine up Dave's ass for a bit. We wouldn't want him to get jaded at the whole deal. :P

As for me? I dunno. I'm not some young upwardly mobile hipster from the "big city". Don't expect a post from me about some trendy bullshit that's running through the minds of everybody at the moment. I'd also never visit here again if you have some sort of 19 year old girl's uber-liberal view of the world while daddy pays for your schooling. I'm secretly at war with your types although I'm the only one that seems to know about it. The same holds true with you track-suit wearing fidget cell phone yapping soccer moms who drive SUV's a mile long as well. If I had to choose, I probably hate the latter even more. ( I'll most definitely make several posts about the whole "why" later) I'll also not trample over your views and thank you kindly not to do so with me. You like egg and mustard sandwiches? Fine. You grow a wookie in your lap and under your arms and like to go to peace rallies? Whatever. You find having to decide whether or not to stop the oral sex you're getting because you have a severe case of gas and don't think your partner would find the humor in it as well? Hey, it's all you. If it floats your boat or blows your skirt up that's all well and fine with me.

I burp fart and pick my nose. So do you. I find silent joy in a little kid running full steam where he's not supposed to and face planting right in the middle of the mall. Guess what, so do you after all is said and done. In 100 years who's going to give a shit about all this anyways. Sit back and enjoy the ride my friends. Maybe we'll all have a chuckle along the way ( whether at my expense or not.)

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