Thursday, June 14, 2007

Pardon me, are you illegal?

Has anybody else heard this utter CRAP that is happening around U.S. cities? It seems some liberal Canadian butt wads started this garbage and now it's creeping down here. Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants now have the right in many major cities NOT to be asked if they are illegal. Yeah, you heard me right. A policeman wants to question you and ask if you are a legal citizen allowed to be here and now they can just smile and say "you aren't allowed to ask that". WHAT!?!?!?!? Did I miss something here? You came here illegally. You live here illegally. You are breaking the law for just being here and now you have rights? You gotta gimme a frigging break! You have NO rights. Get over it. Here, let me parlay this example to other illegal things by federal law and see if it makes sense to you....

I roll a joint and smoke it in public. The police officer comes to me asking if I'm inhaling illegal drugs. I look at him and laugh while saying " you can't ask me that. It's illegal to insinuate that I'm breaking the law.

I'm loading a truck full of weapons to sell on the black market. A federal agent comes up to me and asks if I'm a black arms dealer. I point to the new law passed by some liberal piece of shit that says you can't ask me that because I feel I'm being targeted and you're infringing upon my rights. He has to walk away.

Do you people see what I'm getting at here? This is a direct slap in the face to EVERY immigrant who has come to this country EVER and went about things the right way. If you are an illegal immigrant, you are here illegally and therefore breaking the law. You have NO RIGHTS. I don't care who posts here and says what, it's outright a kick in the ass to people who abide by laws while you ass hats skate free. You snuck your way in. You skirt the laws we all abide by and you should be sent back to whatever country you godamn well came from you assholes.

While I'm at it, screw you Toronto for starting this bullshit and cowering under the letters of many illegals to initiate this "don't ask don't tell" crap. I hold YOU personally responsible for this. We all wonder why terrorists just waltz in here and create things like 9/11 and this is another example of how these things get done. Because of things like that a little more of our freedom gets taken away every day and we just keep letting it slide. I ask you.... how far are you willing to let it go before it's no longer a democracy? Jesus. Wake up people. here's a link about the subject just in case you think I went all Archie Bunker and made all this shit up.

1 comment:

Cunning Linguist said...

stupid link has been moved. Just do a google on it and it hits you in the face. It's not really a hidden thing after all.